Create a New Open Textbook



The Ministry of Advanced Education, assisted by BCcampus, is contributing to the development of an open future for educational resources and teaching practices by providing funding to develop open textbooks.

The Ministry of Advanced Education funds the B.C. Open Textbook Program, and BCcampus is tasked with managing it. The goal is to provide flexible and affordable access to higher education resources in B.C. by making available 40 openly licensed textbooks in the first and second year most highly enrolled undergraduate subject areas. These texts will be available for selection by B.C. faculty, and digital versions of the texts will be free of charge to students. Print copies will also be available at a moderate cost.

The following chapters detail the elements that go into building a textbook.

This textbook is available for free at




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Create a New Open Textbook by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.